Blue Ridge Cursillo

Contacts (Click name to email)



The Cursillo is an encounter with Christ and promotes a spiritual revitalization of our world. The transference of Christ's values to others in our church, family, school, workplace, etc. is the Christianization that Cursillo promotes in our daily environment. Cursillo develops in adult Christians a consciousness of their power and mission to become leaders in the work of Christian renewal, while sustaining them through Christian community.

The full name for Cursillo is "Cursillo de Christiandad". Cursillo, started in Majorca, Spain in the 1940's, and is a movement of the laity within the Catholic Church. The word "Cursillo" means "little lesson". The full name of the Movement, Cursillo de Christiandad, translates into English as "little lesson in Christian living". The founders were dedicated in helping Catholics to know Christ better. Their intention, then and now, was to give the laity a renewed spirituality and a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through them.

The Movement came to the United States in 1957 with a Cursillo weekend held in Waco, Texas, and was conducted entirely in Spanish. The Cursillo Movement and its Method have been endorsed by the Catholic Church.

The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are an integral part of the Catholic Cursillo.


Click to download a short introduction to Cursillo (PDF) that you can share with your friends. Or print a double-sided informational brochure(PDF) to share.  You can dowload an application by clicking on the links below. 



Are you interested in moving "onward" with your Christian journey? If you have attended a men's or women's Cursillo weekend or know someone who might be interested in knowing more about Cursillo, please join us to attend Ultreya.

  • Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Salem, VA, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 PM social, and Ultreya at 7 PM, in the social hall. For more information, please contact Paul Wyar or Brenda Holtzlander.
  • Thomas More Catholic Church, Lynchburg, VA, on the 4th Monday of each month, 6:30 PM social, and 7 PM Ultreya For more information contact Jim Birkmeyer or Patti Dugger.
  • Resurrection Catholic Church Moneta, VA, on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6 PM. For more information contact Shirlee Schiavoni.


Cursillo donations may be made payable to:

Blue Ridge Cursillo
c/o Vicky Rowland, Treasurer
4672 Alleghany Dr.
Salem, VA 24153


                                                    Blue Ridge Center Church Contact Directory (Click name to email)

Rita Harris (OLN)

Shirlee Schiavoni (Resurrection)

Denyse Rothe (Transfiguration)

Eileen Brennan (Our Lady of Peace)  

Terrie Stone (Sacred Heart)

Karen Birkmeyer (St Thomas More)


Cursillo Links


Palanca Requests for Upcoming Weekends